Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Technology and Translation

     Even though personal computers and much of the technology associated with them are relatively new it is hard to image life without these tools.  However, it is important to remember that technology is a tool, and not the answer to many problems we face.  Tools help us solve problems and make our work easier, yet at times they create other problems and make our work more difficult when they do not work properly.  We will never be able (nor should we want to) to take the human/ personal element out of our work.  This is very much the case regarding the work of Bible translation. 
     During the past week we has discussed the importance of translating the Bible for the many people around the world who do not have access to the Word of God, and we have explored how Wycliffe Bible Translators are addressing this need.  Wycliffe works one on one with native speakers in order to accomplish this task, and therefore the need for trained and gifted personal is vital to the work.  A recent post on Wycliffe's website reminds us of this need and the complexities of this vital work.


Friday, July 17, 2015

What does the Bible Teach Us About the Family?

     We have finally made it to Ephesians 5:22 where the Apostle Paul turns his attention to the family.  These instructions to the wife and husband are hard to digest for many people in our culture, including Christians.  This is because so much of what we believe derives not from the Bible, but by the culture.  For the next three weeks we will be discussing Paul's instructions to the family, and how fulfilling God's design is for us.  Since our culture is so confused on the definition of a family this is a much needed word to our church. 
     There is so much I am not able to address in three weeks, so I have attached a article which gives a general survey concerning the Bible's teachings on the family.  It was written by Andreas Kostenberger who teaches at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. 
